Roles & Responsibilities

In order to ensure high-level cross-divisional collaboration, coordination and communication for all UITS systems and services changes, Change Management utilizes a four tier governance model.

Change Management Co-Chairs:
The co-chairs will chair weekly meetings, lead discussions to review the changes submitted on the weekly agenda, followed with a short information share session. The co-chairs, officers and council may make recommendations or ask for adjustments prior to a change being implemented. The co-chairs have final authority to postpone a change.  If a change has been adjusted or postponed, the co-chairs will work with the appropriate director(s), to resolve the situation.  Co-chairs are the directors of Enterprise Infrastructure and Client Support.

Change Management Officers:
The officers are responsible for weekly room reservations, dial-in services, web page support and the creation and distribution of the weekly change management agendas and change management logs. They may fill in for the co-chairs when necessary.  Officers are selected from Data Center Operations and Support Center management. 

Change Management Council:
Change Management meetings are open to all UITS staff. Changes may be introduced by any staff member by completing and submitting an SCR (system change request) form.  To ensure management knowledge of the requested change, a copy of the SCR will be sent electronically to the appropriate manager. The council has the responsibility to take action to prevent potentially harmful events that could be caused from changes being scheduled. Present staff are the council for that meeting and are encouraged to ask questions concerning the changes being discussed. The council may ask for more information or for an adjustment to the date and implementation time. The council may recommend to the co-chairs that the change be postponed. The co-chairs may postpone any change and are responsible to review adjusted or postponed changes with the appropriate director(s). Agreed upon changes will be scheduled on the change management log, published on the web and a summary will be distributed via the change management list.